This memorial Day weekend we had big plans. We were going to make the drive to Costco, plant all our plants, go see G Love (no Special Sauce) in Princeville, get my massage from Natalia and go to the farm to pick up the wild boar that got slow cooked underground for 8 hours. Saturday morning Dan woke up sick. So, we stayed home all weekend. Except for Sunday when I went for my massage and to the farm. We sold our concert tickets to Rory Dan's young, happy produce helper. Mostly recovered, Dan plans on going in today just to place some orders. I lucked out and haven't gotten it (bad congestion in his lungs and nose, coughing, headache and extreme fatigue) but yesterday I developed a migraine and woke up with it still kind of there. I need to get out of the house so I'm going to the farm. I'm hoping the cheery atmosphere, fresh air and exercise will work this migraine out. Next weekend is our anniversary, 11 years!! We are scheduled to go on an all day outdoor adventure courtesy of our Starz ohana, Mahalo Nui Loa (thank you very much). The weekend after is my catering gig plus, I organized a farm tasting with Dan of Da Kine Wines. He does a wine tasting every Saturday. On the 12th he's going to do organic wines and I'll bring some food made from the farm. We are trying to get more members for our summer season so wish me luck! That's all I have for now, here are a couple of pictures.
Class: Jillian goes over the plans for the new garden as we look at the root growth on the plants.
Plans for Garden A
These plants were placed in water 3 months ago, I think they are ready for some soil!
The guys made this crazy bike for Earth Day
Beautiful savoy cabbage in the garden
I think we'll be planting these tomatoes and tomatillos this morning. I planted these from seed about a month ago. The tomatoes are in the front.
The tomatillos
While I was in the greenhouse planting seeds, a frog kept me company.
My work for last Tuesday. The circled M's are my tasks.
Ready for sowing seeds!
My view
I planted 8 cell trays of seeds. Kale, fennel, scallions, celery, onions, boc choy, eggplant and peppers.
Phil and Simone spent about 10 hours cutting the trees back and taking the limbs to the green waste facility. They made about 7 trips! Looks a lot better now! The lychees are ripe, yum!
Our guard dog.