Friday, August 14, 2009

So Exciting!

Since Dan and I have made the decision to move to Hawaii, and things are solidifying, my heart has been uplifted. I just can't be in a bad mood, things don't get me down. I am joyous, I have energy, I want to do things. You need something? Right on! How can I help? I'll have a challenging (read frustrating) day at work but it just doesn't matter anymore. I don't care about the 8am roll call that completely demeans us as professionals, I don't care that I've given this company everything I have and it is still not good enough, I don't care that my manager doesn't work with me to obtain goals, I don't care that he forgets about my goals when he has an opportunity to fulfill them, I don't care about next year's review, I don't care about the mediocrity that is nourished here, I just don't care. I care about doing a good job but that's my own personal work ethic. I don't believe other people should suffer because I am not happy. Plus, I'm trying to enjoy every last moment I have here. Making the decision to leave my job is like taking off an old, worn out, threadbare coat that gives the illusion of protection. The soul crushing routine of daily being treated like a number is over. No more spinning around in the rat race. It just isn't working anymore and it is really making Dan miserable. He is under so much pressure and is so under appreciated it makes me sad to he his spirit, so vibrant and alive, slowly crushed every day that we spend here. It is time to live for life, not work, not possessions. We will miss our co workers and the great conversations we have in edit. The life long relationships we've been fortunate to create (yup, we did create some great things here) are a treasure and we will celebrate our friendship with them in Hawaii when they come to visit! Yea baby!


  1. I had a similar feeling before Drew and I moved here from job, no real plan other than to get the hell out of GA.

    I'm so glad to have developed a friendship with you and where I know you won't mind me and my suitcase when I come visit. :)
